You know the post title has nothing to do with this entry, but is about what's happening in Mark Trail, which will be "unpacked" (word of the week at teacher camp) shortly, right?
"Unpacking" is hot teacher jargon, so it already means a lot of different things, but I'm using it here to mean that the Dark Trail is a kind of explanation of what's really going on for those who are not as adept at decoding Jack Elrod as I pretend to be. I guess I'm unpacking a bag full of sex toys, drugs, weapons, and soiled underwear so if you're a decent human being you probably don't want to know.
This is just gross, and no one shoulod have to look at it.
This is just gross, and no one should have to look at it.
What are you unpacking? Or don't I want to know?
"Unpacking" is hot teacher jargon, so it already means a lot of different things, but I'm using it here to mean that the Dark Trail is a kind of explanation of what's really going on for those who are not as adept at decoding Jack Elrod as I pretend to be. I guess I'm unpacking a bag full of sex toys, drugs, weapons, and soiled underwear so if you're a decent human being you probably don't want to know.
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